Twas the night before....

Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Eve and we're spending our not so silent night in the hospital. Tandy was admitted to the hospital yesterday with concerns about her breathing due to a case of RSV. She has spent 24 hours in this oxygen tent with numerous breathing treatments. Tonight she is free of the tent with hopes that we can go home in the morning if she does well. The packages may not all get wrapped and our road trip to visit family Christmas day may be canceled, but our focus didn't need to be on those things anyway.


Todd reminded me of Avery's first Christmas. Apparently our daughters like to celebrate their first Christmas in unconventional manners.  Much like we had to smuggle Avery out of the country for her first Christmas three years ago, we're prepared to smuggle Tandy out of the hospital if needed!

Avery is in great hands with Gogo and Gramps. We are so grateful for all the love and support our family gives us.

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