Project Pillowcase
Monday, June 8, 2009
I spent this past Saturday at an old-fashioned sewing bee hosted by our church. This is the second time I've been involved. It's such a great way to use God's gifts. The goal of Project Pillowcase is to cover 250 pillows with brightly colored pillowcases for orphans in Acacia Village in Ethiopia, Africa for opening day in 2011. We had 3 sewing machines running at all times. Several teenagers were able to learn to sew for the first time.
There were jobs for the young and young and heart.
We were able to complete 47 pillowcases for this event, and we'll be at it again in the fall.
Susie was a workhorse for the event. That's right; I named my sewing machine Susie after my Aunt Susan who passed away far too young. I don't recall her sewing much, but she was a crafter extraordinaire. She always had creative projects going, and we often worked on things together. I'll never forget her inspiration. (Sorry Rachel, Alice still isn't getting respect from this girl)