Paradise Island

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A while back I posted these before and after shots of our kitchen in Oxford. Well, you won't believe the massive improvement I get to display this time. Tada!!


Todd's Dad is an amazingly talented craftsman. This was his gift to us. He creates his own plans and builds with the detail of an engineer. He even built the beautiful wood counter top. If you aren't convinced of his talent yet, check out these corbels. One is store bought the other is hand crafted by Mr. Kim himself. After searching for a match at home depot, we went home with only one corbel. HE MADE THE MATCH!! Before my wonderful husband painted the island, we could tell which one was the duplicate since it had penciled design notes on it. Now, I'm not sure if even Mr. Kim could tell them apart.


Anyways, I hope you (Mr. Kim) can tell how grateful we are. This lovely addition is great for extra storage, more counter space, and it makes a great cutting table for fabric too.

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