Ask Avery, and she will tell you that Chick-fil-a is her very favorite restaurant. So, when Todd found out they were hosting a Daddy-Daughter Date Night, he made the reservation. Of course, Avery had a blast, and seeing her other friends there with their daddies just made it better. (Can you tell we live in a small town?)
A new dress makes any event feel more special, in my opinion anyway. I make clothes for the joy of it and fully expect them to be well worn, loved, stained, whatever. I certainly wouldn’t want Avery to feel confined when wearing the clothes I make or she won’t want to wear them. I did have a moment of concern though when Todd sent me a picture from the dinner with a huge red cherry stain down the front of the white collar/bow. Funny thing is that all the soaking and washing got the cherry juice out fine, but the blue ended up bleeding onto the collar in a few spots. Good thing there is always more fabric out there to buy!!