You don’t get far into Dr. Hodges’ book, It’s No Accident, before you are bombarded with images and lingo all related to nasty poo. One of these images is a stool chart. People actually studied this enough to come up with this chart! It’d hate to have that job!
I guess before this I thought types 1-3 (click the link above for the chart) just seemed like small poops for a small child. Well, no longer! Dr. Hodges details 11 signs of constipation in the book. Can you believe poop accidents and even super-loose stools can be signs of constipation? I’m telling you, you really have to change the way you think about this stuff. (Unfortunately, I’m having to think about this stuff way to much lately.)
We put up copies of these charts next to our toilets for Avery to help us monitor the changes in her stool as we make changes in her diet. We have already seen some changes in her stools, but we haven’t seen any changes in the wetting accidents. Sunday she had no less than 4 accidents. I have a doctor’s appointment scheduled for this afternoon, and I am hoping the doctor will agree to the need for an x-ray to determine if there is indeed a blockage. Please pray that she is open to seeking these type of answers and treatments. If you are wondering what in the world I am talking about you can get caught up on The P Chronicles here.