What's in a name? Do you ever find yourself more involved in a product, book, etc. when you learn the story behind it? I often do. When I read about the passion behind the Shine Bright fabric line designed by Simple Simon & Company, I was immediately drawn in. Their stated aim to encourage girls and women to shine bright and make the world a better place is just a part of what we convey when we teach our children, "You are the light of the world" Matt 5:14.
I am sharing all of the dress and sewing details on the Modkid blog today, but in this post I wanted to highlight why this special print really tugged at my heartstrings.
The highlighted message in this print on this dress is "You Are". The letters feature a crossword puzzle filled with words like smart, noble, intelligent, delightful, unique, and talented just to name a few. I've shared a tiny bit about Avery's diagnosis with ADHD, but I thought I would share more about a lesser known side of ADHD that we personally experience. While Avery's ability to focus has been much improved with medication, we deal with many forms of aggression and defiance at home. A key element to this are the words AT HOME. You may read that and say, "well, at least she isn't acting out for others." While I agree, it is also very isolating to experience something completely on your own while no one around can understand it. This quote from Understanding Girls with ADHD really hit home, "Behaviors also may not be as pervasive, and may occur more at home than at school. Mothers frequently blame themselves when their child acts out only at home. They feel that they cannot handle the situation and that they are the cause of the problem." (I highly recommend Understanding Girls with ADHD by Nadeau, Littman, & Quinn.)
We have worked to develop a support system, and with a change in medication and counseling we have seen some improvements. While we can easily slip into a mode of seeing the negative, I strive to encourage Avery with her strengths, especially during those times when she sees herself as the "bad kid". She is strong, brave, intelligent, artistic, and curious. So, I am thankful for a piece of fabric that could be made into a dress to have one more way to communicate those very things to her.
And, hopefully, she will see that she shines in all of those ways and more. I couldn't think of more fitting attire for the Daddy/Daughter dance!!!