Princesses & Tornadoes

Friday, April 29, 2011

How's that for a crazy title combo. I thought I'd check in after all the friends and relatives have called to check on us. The weather and tornadoes were crazy around here on Wednesday. Thankfully, we are all safe and sound. God certainly protected us. Without knowing what was going on around us, Avery and I headed out for our weekly trip to Memphis for bible study fellowship. The rain was heavy, and I nearly turned around twice. God's prompting must have kept us going, because 10 minutes later Todd was calling from a basement telling us about the tornadoes headed their way. We may have been on the road in some of the worst of it had we turned around. As I was about to leave Memphis for the return home, Todd called with warnings of round two. Thankfully, Avery and I were able to crash with our good friends in Memphis to wait it out. Avery was thrilled with the surprise chance to visit her friend Molly. It's incredible to see areas, like just down the street from Avery's school, where the trees were uprooted and power poles were snapped in half.

On a lighter note, this morning when we finally tuned in to the royal wedding, you could have heard the following conversation as we waited for the couple to display the royal kiss. Me, "Avery, why don't you go get your dress up box and put on your princess dress?" Avery, "I don't want to be the princess. I want to be Avery." Me, "Why don't you dress up as Avery the Princess?" Avery, "No, I just want to be Avery." Gotta love toddlers with strong opinions!!
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