Flower Costume Headband Tutorial

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

This is a quick way to have a big impact as far as flower costumes go. There is plenty of time to whip up one of these before Halloween!


Start with a plastic lid the size you would like for your flower center.

flower (1 of 13)

Hot glue some fiber stuffing to the underside of the lid to give it some body.

flower (2 of 13)

Cut a circle of yellow felt large enough to wrap around and under your lid. Working in small sections, hot glue the felt around the edges of the lid. Pull the felt tight as you go.

flower (3 of 13)

Continue around the entire circumference of the lid.

flower (4 of 13)

Hot glue down the edges to the underside of the lid to make a finished edge.

flower (5 of 13)

You should have a nice rounded flower center at this point.

flower (6 of 13)

Cut a template for your flower petals. Mine was 6” tall at the center and 8” wide at the widest point. The bottom edge is rounded. Cut out 5 felt petals of felt using your template.

flower (7 of 13)

Close to the rounded edge, sew a long running stitch.

flower (8 of 13)

Gather up the flower petal by pulling on your thread. Once you have the petal gathered the way you like, secure the end of your thread with a knot.

flower (9 of 13)

Hot glue the petals to the underside of your lid overlapping each petal slightly.

flower (1 of 2)

Cut a circle of felt large enough to cover the underside of the lid and glue in place.

flower (2 of 2)

Secure to a clip or headband. I used a strip of felt to create a tunnel for the headband. If the headband is too heavy to stay in place for an active flower girl, secure with additional clips or bobby pins.

flower (12 of 13)

Change up the shape and color of the petals for any number of flower variations!

flower (13 of 13)

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