Christmas Bubble Skirts

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Does two years in a row make for a Christmas tradition? I loved Avery's festive Brewster Bubble Skirt last year, so I made two for this year. I'm not fully committing to making these a tradition, but I'm not opposed to it either. They are pretty fun to make!

I know it is a bit early for Christmas outfits, but we may have an even crazier December than normal. I'll share more on that soon. 

I was grateful to receive a one yard set of the Cool Yule fabrics by Josephine Kimberling for Blend Fabrics. I was able to sew up these skirts and have plenty fabric left for more. 

Tandy's skirt features the Winter Playground print in blue for the main section of the skirt. The cute snowmen, penguins, and tree laden cars are so sweet for little ones. 

This was the first time I sewed something assembly line style instead of completing one project at a time. It was all going well until I sewed the wrong bottom band to Tandy's skirt. Doh!

The main print for Avery's skirt is Baubles in white. The perfect name for this fun, colorful design!

 If only you could see Daddy's antics that captured the girl's attention so well!! He never disappoints when he joins us for photos.
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