Whew, it’s been a while since I’ve written in my little space here. Last week was hard. H.A.R.D. It’s difficult to put it into words. I didn’t have a death in my immediate family, no one is seriously ill, nothing particularly bad happened. My circumstances in life were just a bit hard, probably no harder than yours, but it left me depleted. A friend shared something with me the other day, and I hope she doesn’t mind my sharing it with you. I want to echo her words. I want the Holy Spirit to enable me to experience joy in serving on a daily basis instead of being overwhelmed by my circumstances. Similar thoughts were mentioned in my bible study today about not letting anything get in the way of our worship and looking for the reason behind our circumstances where God may be trying to use us. I think He’s trying to get a point across!
So, as I look at these pictures, I see the joys in the first lost tooth and the first day of First grade.
I see the most beautiful sprinkle of freckles from the end of a good summer.
I see my baby getting so big, and remember how excited she was that it was finally her turn to go to school even if it is only Mother’s Morning Out.
Maybe in this quite moment, I can begin to put aside the sibling rivalry, the homework challenges, and discipline failures. I want to experience all the joys in their full, and especially see God at work in them.